Hotfolder Prints
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Product Details

Current Version: 1.8.3
Released: 15 September 2022
Platforms Supported: Intel processors running Windows 11 and Windows 10 (not Windows 11 S or 10 S). ARM/SQ1/SQ2 processors are not supported.
Cameras Supported: N/A
Trial version: 15 days, fully featured.
Free upgrades: 12 months from purchase

Hotfolder Prints: monitors a hot folder for images and automatically formats and prints them
Breeze Viewer: monitors a hot folder for images and displays them in a slideshow
Gallery Uploader: real time uploads to sharing galleries
SmugMug Uploader: monitors a hot folder for new JPEG, GIF or MP4 files and uploads them to your SmugMug account
Twitter Hashtag Monitor: automatically downloads photos from Twitter.

How do I use Hotfolder Gallery Uploader to upload my images to Photobooth Online Galerie?

Learn how to upload your images to Photobooth Online Galerie here

Help! the Instagram Hashtag monitor stopped working

July 2021: Instagram Hashtag Monitor has been removed from the program suite in Hotfolder 1.8.2 because changes made by Instagram stop it working.

Why can't I save print background/overlays in the PhotoboothImages folder?

This error happens when users try to save overlays to a protected folders, usually a sub folder of C:\Program Files (x86)\Breezesys . The reason is that Windows protects the Program Files (x86) folders from accidental or malicious damage to applications.

Please do not try to use C:\Program Files (x86)\Breezesys\Hotfolder Prints\PhotoboothImages\ for your PhotoBoothImages folder.
Instead place your PhotoboothImages folder in your Documents folder C:\Users\yourname\Documents\PhotoboothImages

See Quick Tips: Error copying for more details.