How to download and use the superb free events crafted for you by The Photo Booth Guys
May 2022
Booth (iPad+iPhone) includes superb event designs crafted by The Photo Booth Guys.
You will be prompted to download the first two events when you first download the App, and can pull the rest from the web.
Find clear, uncluttered designs for fast moving events, a lovely example of AI based background removal, events with a choice of AR props and filters, and engaging surveys. Roamer users have a design crafted just for them. Squeeze more guests into shot using the landscape oriented events.
All work with both external cameras and the cameras built into iPads/iPhones. Use these designs as they come, or customize them with the powerful Windows based Event Editor.
You need to add your Twilio account details to send texts, and the key for your background removal service for AI Background Removal.
When you first download Breeze Booth you will be prompted to download two events. Both are ready to use at live events, and include sharing by email.
Shoot 3 photos, or a burst GIF with sharing by email. Add a printer or share the photos as a slideshow GIF.
To add text based sharing to this event, add your Twilio account details to the device and download Simple + Text below
Props & Filters also offers a choice of 3 photos or burst GIF. Guests choose from virtual props and color/B&W/Comic filters.
To add text based sharing to this event, add your Twilio details to the device and download Props and Filters + Text below
Selecting a Prop
Selecting a filter
Tap the top right corner of the Ready screen to reveal hidden buttons to (from left to right) Exit, Sync, Adjust camera controls, Check for queues, Return to the event
To keep the hidden button secure, add an exit passsword in the App Settings screen.
Include the event name in emails guests send from the booth.
Hint: Most demo events are designed for portrait orientation. If you see this icon when you try to run an event, turn the device through 90 degrees.
Turn your iPad/iPhone through 90 degrees if you see this icon
You can download more events including
These events are all designed to be used at live events straight away. You can also customize them with the powerful Windows based Event Editor.
You need to add your Twilio account details to the iPad/iPhone to send SMS/MMS messages, and the key for your background removal service for AI Background Removal.
Some of these events are quite large, so please be patient when you first download them. You may prefer to download each event as you try it, or get the whole collection together.
Run Breeze Quick Setup – show the App one of the QR codes below to automatically update it to the event you need.
You will find a unique QR code below the description of each event below. To load this event into your booth using Quick Start;
These events switch to a slideshow if left idle. Touch the screen to go back to the Ready screen for the next session.
Touch the Start button to run your event (here Simple + Text)
AI based Background removal is a great alternative to green screen. The quality is awesome, there’s no cumbersome backdrop, and lighting is much simpler. It doesn’t even matter when your guests wear green. More
An out of this world experience with AR virtual prop and animated background.
Take a single photo or burst GIF. The supersized touch screen buttons are hard to miss. Plus (+) and minus (–) buttons brighten and darken images when ambient lighting is challenging.
As Simple, with options for sharing by text as well as email.
As Simple, but designed for use in landscape. A great alternative for external cameras and larger groups.
As Props and Filters, with options for sharing by text as well as email.
As Props and Filters, but designed for use in landscape.
Showcases creative ideas for engaging surveys.
Please be patient if you choose this option. Several of the events are quite large, so you may have to wait a little while.
To tweak these events, or use them as a start point for your own designs, use the powerful Windows Event Editor.
The Event Editor is one of the Breeze Booth Companion Apps you can download here
Editing Props and Filters. For sample events in portrait, use the Portrait Edit button (1) to bring up the event details. For Landscape oriented events, use the Landscape Edit button (2).
QR code based Quick Setup is a fast and simple way to log in and set up Breeze Booth on your own and your customers devices. This is a great tool for white label, drop off and unattended booths. More
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