How to update your iPad/iPhone with new and updated Breeze Booth events
Breeze Booth (iPad+iPhone) events are created and altered in the Breeze Event Editor. This runs on Windows, so events need to be synced (transferred) from the Event Editor PC to the devices (iPads/iPhones) where they are used.
Local sync is the easiest and fastest way to transfer your events when PC and iPad can be connected to the same local network. Using Local Sync to transfer events
Local Sync: Events are transferred to iPads/iPhones by scanning a QR code into the Breeze Booth app
When the device cannot be connected to the Event Editor PC with a local network, you need to sync events remotely via the internet. Dropbox or a web server are used for this.
You can choose whether to update (‘sync’) all your events at the same time, or update a single event. Updating all events is the best way to check everything on the iPad is up to date, but may be slower than updating a single event (especially if you have a poor Internet connection).
You can also update the event list before updating individual events.
Refresh list is a fast way of seeing which events are available:
Update list of events button (Breeze Booth Events screen)
Update all events brings the device completely up to date:
Update all events button (Breeze Booth Events screen)
When you know which event you want, it is faster to just update that event:
Updating Demo 3 event (Breeze Booth for iPad)
Demo 3 update has been successfully completed (Breeze Booth for iPad)
Run Demo 3 event ( Breeze Booth for iPad)
You may want to update an event without going into the back end of the App. The following ways to sync events are especially helpful for fixed installation, drop off/postal booths and white label events.
Quick Setup is a fast and simple way to log in and set up Breeze Booth on your own and your customers devices. This is a great tool for drop off and unattended booths, white label and virtual events. Learn more..
This useful option for fixed installations forces a regular overnight update. If the booth is left running overnight, it will automatically check whether it is running the latest release and upgrade itself if necessary.
Set Sync event daily at 4am on the App Settings screen for an automatic update
Select Sync event daily to automatically update the current event each night
Purge photos daily at 4am and Auto run event at startup are also useful options for fixed installations.
To update an event while it is running add a Sync Event touch screen action
Sample event menu with Sync option to update an event (Breeze Booth for iPad)
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