DSLR Remote Pro aka Breeze Booth (DSLR+Windows) 3.18 and later releases
October 2022
This note provides guidance for moving a photo booth running DSLR Remote Pro to a new computer.
As well as installing DSLR Remote Pro and printer drivers on the new computer, you need to copy across your program (registry) settings and assets (screen designs, print layouts etc & any profiles).
DSLR Remote Pro’s flexibility allows it to be set up in many ways; it is not practical to cover every option here.
Most users will need to:-
You may also need to copy across profile information, event data (event name, event strings etc) and background removal data.
Make sure you are clear what you need to transfer
Unless you are running a very old version of the program ( predating v3.0) DSLR Remote Pro must be deactivated before moving the license to a replacement computer, even if you plan to clone the hard disk.
If the program is activated when it is copied to a new machine, it may stop working without warning.
DSLR Remote Pro program folders are usually stored at C:\Program Files (x86)\BreezeSys\DSLR Remote Pro when the app is downloaded.
Most users do not change the content of these folders. When you download and install DSLR Remote Pro on the new computer, they are created automatically.
If you have made changes to the DSLR Remote Pro program folders, you may want to make the same changes to the new program folders.
Don’t confuse Program folders with PhotoboothImage folders containing your screen backgrounds etc, which are usually stored in C:\Users\…\Documents\PhotoboothImages (See below)
Breeze Windows apps save program settings in a Windows registry file. Data saved in the registry includes the location of the PhotoboothImages folder, email and Twilio account details, passwords and other data which controls the behaviour of the program.
DSLR Remote Pro’s registry export tool writes these registry settings to a .reg file. This can be copied back into DSLR Remote Pro on the same or a different computer.
Breeze DSLR Remote Pro Registry Export tool
To copy registry settings back into DSLR Remote Pro on the same or a different PC, double click on the registry settings file in Windows Explorer.
DSLR Remote Pro stores your assets (screen designs, profiles etc) outside the program. They need to be copied to the new computer to run your existing designs.
Screen assets including backgrounds, overlays, GIFs etc are kept in PhotoboothImages folders
This guide assumes that
*The absolute path name of a PhotoboothImages folder might be
C:\Users\sue\Documents\PhotoboothImages\Standard Wedding Event
More technical users can and do move copies of DSLR Remote Pro which use relative paths, but this is beyond the scope of this guide.
To make sure you have the same folder names on the new computer
Copy your Documents/PhotoboothImages folder (and all subfolders) to the new computer.
The move will be much simpler if the new screen is the same size in pixels as the old screen.
Surface Pro users : please note that newer models may have higher resolution screens (more pixels) than older models.
Unless screens on old and new booths are the same size
‘Same size’ generally means same size in pixels.
Learn how to adjust touch screen actions here
DropBox users should use the same Dropbox account on both machines
Take care to install the correct printer driver on new machine.
If your printer appears ‘different’ from your old computer to Windows, it may not be recognised as the same printer. If this happens different printer profiles may no longer work. You may need to reset the printer in each profile.
Those not using profiles should
Profile users need to load each profile in turn. For each profile
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