Logging In and Out

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The iPad needs to be logged in to run an event and to access cloud based services. If the iPad is not logged in it will only be able to take ten sets of photos or GIFs each day before a watermark is added to the output. This allows an iPad to be used for testing purposes without requiring a license.


Logging In

An iPad can be logged in by tapping the "Sign In" button in the startup screen and entering the username and password. If the login is successful the startup screen will updated to show the login status. If the login is not successful a status message will be displayed showing the reason.

The iPad will only be logged in if it is able to obtain a license from the web app.

Please note: The iPad needs to be connected to the internet when logging in.


Logging Out

There are several ways to logout an iPad:

1.Tapping the "Sign Out" button in the startup screen
2.By logging into the web app and releasing the license from the iPad. The next time the iPad checks its login status it will be logged out
3.The iPad will be logged out automatically if it is unable to verify its login status with the web app for an extended period


When logging out by tapping the "Sign Out" button on the iPad it will attempt to contact the web app to update its status and to release its license so that the license may be used by another device. If it is unable to contact the web app an error message will be displayed and it will be logged out locally but the web app will not be notified and the license won't be released. If this happens the license can be released by logging into the web app and releasing the license manually or by logging in with the iPad and logging out again.


The iPad can be protected from accidentally logging out by selecting the "Hide Sign Out menu entry" option in the App Settings. If this option is selected the user will need go to the settings screen and disable the "Hide Sign Out menu button" option before signing out from the startup screen. Additional protection can be provided by adding a password for the App Settings screen.


If the iPad is logged out because its license has been released in the web app or because it is unable to contact the web app for an extended period it will exit any event it is running and return to the startup screen.

WARNING: If the iPad is not logged in it will only be able to take ten sets of photos or GIFs per day before a watermark is added to the output.