Show Breeze Booth a single QR code to log into the App and load events.
Fantastic way to load events onto fixed installations, drop off and postal booths, white label events and other remote devices.
February 2023
Quick Setup is a fast and simple way to log in and set up Breeze Booth on your own and your customers devices. This is a great tool for fixed installations, drop off and unattended booths, white label and other remote events.
This tutorial explains how your customers and operators can show a single QR code to Breeze Booth to log in, load their event and be ready to run.
Your customer or attendant
The first time the App runs on any device, you also confirm Breeze Booth can access the camera.
Breeze Booth events are created on your PC and transferred to remote iPads/iPhones using Dropbox or your own web servers. Dropbox is the usual choice for events running on your own devices. More
Log into your account and add a guest or White Label user. (In this tutorial, I use the term guest user. Set up a white label operator in the same way.)
Adding an extra user to your account: (1) Username is used to log in devices, (2) Name is the internal name for this user, (3) Email address is used for password changes.
Give your guest users only the access they need. Limit the number of devices (4) they can use.
(4) Set a maximum number of devices Guest1 can log in, and (5) just give them the access they need
(4) Limit the number of devices each temporary user can use.
(5) In general make users with their own devices a trusted user. To restrict users to your own pre-approved devices, leave the trusted user box unchecked. Do not give customers or white label operators extra roles they don’t need.
You don’t need to create a new guest user for every event, and temporary users don’t need to know the password to use a QR code based log in. Keep it private by setting up the account under your own email address.
To prevent customers and white label operators using your account after the event, include an expiry date in their QR code.
Account owners can also log customers and staff out by deactivating the device .
Logging a user out remotely with the Web App
Open the Event Editor on your PC, and select File to open the Admin QR Code Generator
Generating a QR code to log guests into Breeze Booth (Event Editor 1.4.1)
6. Guests/operators will need to show the QR code to the Breeze Booth App to log in. If anyone scans this QR code with their phone they are sent to your Base URL. You can use the base URL we provide or replace it with your own page. The default at contains a short video showing how to log in with the QR code
7.Select Dropbox for devices updated from your Dropbox account, or HTTP GET or HTTP POST for events hosted on a website.
8.For events hosted on a website enter the url of the events folder.
9. Checking this box will automatically run the event as soon as the iPad is logged in and updated.
10. Username of the account you are logging into. Here the iPad is logged into the guest account I created earlier.
11. Enter the password for the account. This is hidden from guests.
12.You can set an expiry date for the QR code. Devices are logged out automatically when the QR code expires.
13. Save the QR code as a png image to send to your guests/operator.
Add a small logo to make the QR code look more appealing. This should be a png image on a 500×500 pixel transparent background.
Personalizing the QR code with a logo (Breeze Booth Event Editor 1.4.1)
Wave the QR code at the App, relax and party…
Leern more about Quick Setup in the online manual
© Breeze Systems 2023