Breeze Kiosk
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Product Details

Current Version: 2.1
Released: 15 December 2021
Platforms Supported: Intel processors running Windows 11 and Windows 10 (not Windows 11 S or 10 S). ARM/SQ1/SQ2 processors are not supported.
Trial version: 15 days
Free upgrades: 12 months from purchase

Why can't I send emails from Gmail any more?

Google changed the requirements for authenticating Gmail emails in 2020. As a result many Gmail users found they could no longer send emails from third party apps. Gmail users now need to ‘authenticate’ ie approve third party applications which send emails from their gmail accounts. More

Why can't I upload images to Facebook?

Facebook withdrew the permissions required to upload photos from a desktop app in response to the Cambridge Analytica scandal in 2018. It is no longer possible to upload photos to Facebook directly from DSLR Remote Pro. Photos can be shared on Facebook by emailing or texting them to users where they will be able to share them using the Facebook app running on their own device. Alternatively upload the photos to a website or microsite and provide sharing links to allow users to share the photos on Facebook when they view the page on their device.